“Parents life”. In this section, a personality evokes the joys and setbacks of his daily life with children. Those of the animator of “it’s not rocket science” are great now. Dad for life, he appreciates the turn that their relationship takes, between adults, even if he lives their departure from the house as a heartbreak.
Interview by Guillemette Faure
The children of Jamy Gourmaud are perhaps the only ones from France who have never written in their text book “Watch an episode of” it’s not rocket science “on volcanoes or on the solar system. His family are big, they have just been 25 and 28 years old. “But I’m still a dad,” explains the pedagogue journalist, animator of the “world of Jamy” on France 3. His last book, 365 days with Jamy (Nathan, 2022), already sold in more than 40,000 copies, explains to the children Others how the skate slides on the ice and why dry beans fart.
The first time you felt father?
At the birth of the first, of course. His arrival in the world had been a little complicated, especially in the hours preceding his birth, and he immediately left for an incubator. He was screaming, like all babies. During pregnancy, I got into the habit, when he moved, caressing his mom’s belly in a place where her knee was. I made the same gesture, I caressed his knee and it was extraordinary. The baby was you suddenly and I saw his little blue beads that were maturing to me. It was extraordinary. I felt dad.
Have you ever cried in front of your children?
Of course, you can cry with happiness, like physical or moral pain. It happened to me after making a parasite during one of my trips, which caused me terrible pains to roll on the ground. My children attended these scenes, just as they saw me cry during the loss of very expensive friends. I am of a generation where parents tended to hide this kind of emotion. It was not my case, nor that of my wife elsewhere. It’s part of life. When the pain is strong and that it brings out tears, you must not be afraid and hide them, they must be explained to give meaning.
I spent a lot of time trying to give meaning to what we were doing, but I don’t believe that everything should be explained. Above all, you have to listen to know if an explanation will be necessary, how far, and not deliver everything in bulk.
the worst thing you have said to your child?
“I don’t have time to play with you …” just rethinking it makes me review these moments. What can we regret later!
The worst thing your child has told you?
When he was little, the second told me that he would like to be adopted by my wife’s sister. I think it was mainly because his cousin was his best boyfriend. It made me laugh. We must not take shade of these sentences … My children rather told me things that made people think that things that struggled me. For example, not long ago, to wish me a happy new year, one of them told me that he wished me fewer projects …
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