The leader of the CFDT deplores the deafness of the government after the demonstrations on Saturday. The Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt assumes a “fairly insurmountable” disagreement on the age of departure at 64 years old.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
“It’s bullshit”. In the aftermath of a fourth day of mobilization which brought together between 963,000 and 2.5 million demonstrators, Laurent Berger deplored, Sunday, February 12, the strategy of obstruction of the opposition and the incidents intervened, last week, During parliamentary debates around the bill reforming pensions.
“It is a lamentable show that has nothing to do with the dignity of the street movement,” decided the secretary general of the CFDT, guest of the Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-Lci, anxious that the Social mobilization does not undergo the trial in “Borded” brought by the presidential camp to opposition deputies.
At the Assembly, the first week of examination of the text of the pension reform, already stormy, ended in the tumult of a controversy ended by the exclusion for fifteen days of a sanctioned deputy For having laid, in a tweet, the foot on a ball in the image of the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt. A tense climate that further slows the exchanges, while the unions claim that article 7, which relates to the age measure, can be the subject of a debate and a vote.
Now nothing is less certain, because the time devoted to the debate was limited by the government and the deputies of the Nuts have deposited thousands of amendments. “Obstruction is not a good solution”, judges Laurent Berger, who is focusing on the mobilization in the street to make the government bend and its majority in Parliament. “The Head of State cannot remain deaf in the face of this unprecedented demonstration,” he said on Sunday, while the inter-union calls for a fifth social round on February 16 and agitates the specter of a ” France at the “March 7, after school holidays. 2>” The reform will be adopted ”
A threat which, for the time being, does not weigh on the determination of the presidential majority to carry out this reform. “Some of the French remain mobilized because they do not wish, and we understand it, that they are asked to work gradually longer. This does not mean that they do not want reform,” -Olivier Véran government in the program Political Question, Sunday, on France Inter. According to him, whatever happens, the pension reform remains a “necessity”.
“The reform will be adopted, because I believe that we will manage to identify a democratically elected majority to vote for it in the Assembly and the Senate”, advanced the president of Renaissance deputies on Sunday, Aurore Bergé, on The BFM-TV tray. The deputy of the Yvelines, who refutes any sin “of arrogance”, even projects herself “beyond the pension reform” by calling on the unions to reconnect with the executive, on the question of work or the use.
A way of acting that any compromise on the question of the starting age now seems out of reach. On France 3, the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt recognized that the disagreement with unions on the postponement of the age of departure at 64, totem of this reform, was “quite insurmountable”.