Biathlon: French Julia Simon crowned world champion

Only 10th of the sprint, the Savoyard signed an almost perfect shot (19/20) to win, Sunday in Oberhof (Germany), its first individual world title.


She had “her legs that trembled” at the end of her sprint on Friday, finished at a disappointing 10 e place. But Sunday February 12, Julia Simon left her opponents no chance. The Frenchwoman won the pursuit of the world biathlon championships in Oberhof, Germany, largely by ahead of the local Denise Herrmann-Wick and the Norwegian Marte Olsbu Roiseland.

Head in her hands when passing the line, the Savoyard did not come back from the wrong tour that she had just played her opponents. Because Julia Simon signed an incredible rise to win her first world title in individual, two years after winning the simple mixed relay with Antonin Guigonnat in Pokljuka (Slovenia). Leaving with bib 10, she had to go back more than a minute behind the head of the race (the runners rush with the delays recorded compared to the winner when the Sprint race) to win .

Faster than her competitors on skis, the Frenchwoman gradually filled her late for an almost perfect shot (19/20) while her competitors went on penalty towers in Oberhof’s fog . At the duel with Denise Hermman-Wick during the last standing shot, she was more precise than the German to finish in the lead and offer France her first gold medal in these world championships.

/Media reports cited above.