The association for the employment of executives publishes, Thursday, February 9, a barometer at the beautiful for the first quarter 2023.
by Anne Rodier
The year 2023 begins well for executives. Pension reform, inflation, reorganization of labor, threats of recession … Nothing seems to disrupt the job market of these employees, always sought after by companies, large in particular.
According to the Association for the Employment of Managers (APEC), which publishes this Thursday, February 9, its barometer of the first quarter of 2023, the recruitment intentions are still in good shape: 64 % of large companies and ETIs, 22 % of SMEs and 7 % of very small businesses plan to recruit at least one framework within three months.
“This represents 14 % of all companies, comments Pierre Lamblin, director of studies at APEC. They were 13 % in 2022 and 10 % in 2021. The market continues its dynamics.” Despite the cyclical uncertainties , companies seem to have found some visibility at the end of the year. They are 73 % to have confidence in the evolution of their order book. The question of how they will spend the winter is behind them. More and more SMEs (70 %) and VSE (63 %) are now able to anticipate their activity by three months.
“Long recruitment time”
Companies interviewed by APEC from December 5 to 16, 2022 believe that the energy crisis has mainly affected their margins, not their activity. Which does not slow down the recruitment of executives. The announced hires were therefore scheduled. In the fourth quarter of 2022, 150,500 executive job offers were published. Or 4 % more than in the fourth quarter of 2021, and much more than in 2019 (117,300 offers).
“This is a good indicator: 45 % of executive hires in France gave rise to an advertisement on the website, says Gilles Gateau, the general manager of the association. The dynamics are very Strong, but we must remain cautious about annual forecasts. The economic prospects are not good. We were surprised by this result. We were waiting for a slight trend of trend. “
The sectors benefit variously from this dynamism, according to their exposure to inflation or the energy crisis, and their dependence on household consumption. Hiring opportunities have significantly progressed in the automotive and aeronautical industries (+ 42 %), but they fell for the food industry ( – 9 %), communication and the media ( – 12 %), and inter -company trade ( -19 %).
Recruitment difficulties are more than ever motorcycle in the job market Frame: 79 % of companies that plan to recruit in the first quarter anticipate difficulties. “The recruitment period has gone from nine to eleven weeks. It is so long that companies do not take the risk of pause and miss a candidate, explains Gilles Gateau. In 2022, a recruitment in four was abandoned for lack of candidate. “
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