The streaming platform has paid paid the sharing of passwords in Spain, Portugal, Canada and New Zealand. The company wishes to broaden the system during the first quarter 2023.
MO12345lemonde with AP
The limitation of Netflix passwords entered into force in Spain, Portugal, Canada and New Zealand, Wednesday, February 8. The device implies that users must now determine a main home in the parameters of their account. This home is associated with the same internet network and the devices connected to it.
A supplement of $ 8 (for Canada and New Zealand), 6 euros (for Spain) and 4 euros (for Portugal) is now offered to the user in order to allow him to share his identifiers to Two guests, who can thus connect from a different location.
Canadian users received an email informing them that they had until February 21 to inform the address of their main home, reports Radio Canada . The new conditions of use in the countries concerned also specify that those which have been connected so far thanks to the subscription of a third party will be able to recover certain data of their profile (viewing history, lists of readings or mobile video games downloaded) In order to make them migrate to a new account.
When they are on the go or on their phone, subscribers will also have access to the service. But the methods to be fulfilled to activate these nomadic views have not yet been detailed.
generalization to come
These restrictions are not a surprise. They have already been applied to Chile, Peru and Costa Rica since March 2022. When it was published on its latest financial results, on January 19, Netflix assured its shareholders “a large deployment of paid sharing” for The first quarter of 2023, without giving a precise date to its introduction to France or the United States. The North American region is crucial for the platform, since it concentrates nearly a third of its subscribers.
In a press release published on Wednesday, Netflix justifies the process by ensuring that it has “always facilitated” account sharing “for those who live together and multiple views”, while reaffirming its desire to develop its conditions of use. “There will be dissatisfied subscribers, we will observe a small reaction with unsubscribe, conceded Greg Peters, co-president and general manager of Netflix, during an exchange with investors in January. We think it will be similar to what Observe when you increase prices. “But the streaming giant hopes that the paid activation of shared accounts will then participate in the improvement of its total turnover.
The company launched in 1997 in the United States claimed more than 231 million subscribers in 190 countries. Based in Los Gatos, California, she estimates that 100 million users share their password with relatives.