The text, supported by the whole left, had also received the support of deputies from the national rally.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
has one voice. The National Assembly rejected, Thursday, February 9, extreme accuracy of the socialist deputies offering access to meals to 1 euro for all students – a rate today reserved for scholarship holders and precarious.
The fate of this bill, examined at first reading, was played in a voice (183 “for”, 184 “against”), after the presidential camp, hostile to this measure, beat in extremis The recall of the troops for the final vote. Seven LR deputies also voted against (four abstained). The text, supported by the whole left, had also received the support of deputies from the national rally.
“I am disappointed, in one voice near the universal meal at 1 euro was registered in the law, but it is especially the students who will be disappointed today,” said socialist deputy Fatiha Keloua-Hachi, who wore this text as part of a day reserved for his group. “The Renaissance and LR deputies have rejected our proposal for (…) the 1 euro meal for all the students. So that all students can eat their hunger. The fight continues,” reacted in A tweet The group’s president, Boris Vallaud.
A “demagogic” measure
of the first victorious votes on amendments suggested a possible socialist victory, before the presidential camp mobilizes deputies for the final vote. Macronist deputies fought a measure deemed “unfair”, insisting that it would also have benefited students from wealthy backgrounds.
MP Anne Brugnera (Renaissance) has pinned a “demagogic” measure. “Thanks to you, the children of your friend Bernard Arnault will be able to go to Crous and pay only one euro,” added his colleague Sylvain Maillard. Alexandre Portier (LR) had pleaded, for his part, so that an access to the price of 1 euro is conditioned on a commitment to “work two hours per week in the service of a local community”.
The Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau, pleaded against the measure, of which she estimated the cost at least “90 million euros”. She highlighted the existence of social pricing of meals for “students in difficulty”. The 1 euro meal had been temporarily extended to all students in 2021, during the COVVI-19 pandemic.
As Liberation said , a EELV parliamentary source confirmed that some environmental deputies – notably the group’s president, Cyrielle Chatelain – N ‘Were not able to take part in the vote, however tightened on Thursday, because they participated in the launch of the Estates General of Ecology on a Parisian barge.
Questioned on the subject, the leader of socialist deputies, Boris Vallaud, put their absence into perspective: “The subject is not those who were able to vote for, but those who voted against. No false trial, “he asked. “Macronie, who started from the rich and contempt, rejects the meal to 1 euro for all students (90 million), but increases aid without compensation to businesses by 100 million,” said, for his part, insurgent On Twitter The leader of France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon.