Before the new day of mobilization against the pension reform, Saturday 11 February, and the start of the school holidays, the minister is fake against the statements of Gérald Darmanin and affirms: “The minimum service, I do not Don’t believe it. “
by Claire Gatinois and Sophie Fay
Before the new mobilization against the pension reform project scheduled for Saturday, February 11 and the start of the school holidays, the Minister of Transport explains, in an interview with the world, that he wishes to “reconcile the respect of the right to strike And respect for users “.
A new mobilization against the pension reform project is scheduled for Saturday, February 11. Should we fear a rocking towards more radicality?
Mobilizations have so far been respectable and respectful. The trade union organizations were the guarantors of calm. I hope we will keep this spirit. It is in the interest of everyone.
What will strikes in transport?
There may be strikes in certain public transport networks in Paris or in
Province. There will be some at the RATP but not at the SNCF. Union organizations
do not intend to disrupt the departures on vacation, I wish to greet him. I have the optimistic conviction that we can reconcile respect for the right to strike and respect for users.
Should we better supervise the right to strike to avoid what the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin or the opponent Eric Ciotti described as “hostage” of users?
A strike is not a hostage taking. Words have a meaning. At Christmas, there were destabilizing strikes. We must think about how to better inform users and reduce impacts, for example by asking public companies to organize themselves so that non -strike agents are more mobilized. There is the question of the notice periods of forty-eight hours. It is not a taboo. There is also what is called the Italian model: a social agreement which protects certain periods. One thing is certain, the minimum service, with a fixed rate guaranteed by law, I do not believe it. Because it is either too low and ineffective, or too high and unconstitutional.
in the transport sector can you defend a “fair” reform?
Special diets, it is ended for new hired RATP, it is a question of coherence and equity; It is as with the reform of the SNCF of 2018, nobody had done it. I never use the word privilege, I know the history of our public services. But I do not know how to explain today to the Clermont-Ferrand bus driver that he does not have the same rules as the Paris bus driver. So, we evolve for the new ones and we respect the social contract for the old ones. At the RATP as at the SNCF, we will not break this contract for the agents engaged in the status.
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