The intersyndicale hopes to make a new demonstration of force, Saturday February 11, on the occasion of the fourth day of national mobilization against the government’s project. A key day for the continuation of the movement.
by Thibaud Métais
A challenge for the inter -union. And one more stage in the standoff that opposes it to the government. For the fourth time since January 19, the eight main employee organizations call on the French to mobilize, Saturday, February 11, against the pension reform. After a slight reflux of participation, Tuesday, February 7, with 757,000 demonstrators identified by the police (more than 2 million by the CGT), against 1.27 million (more than 2.5 million according to the organizers) on January 31, A new demonstration of force is expected.
If Tuesday’s drop was predictable, it is precisely because two days of shares were organized in the same week. The unions have all announced that the accounts would be made after this double mobilization to judge their ability to bring together. The choice of Saturday is a bet for the coalitions, and in particular for the CFDT. It was the Cédétiste center that wanted to mobilize the weekend to allow families and employees who do not have the means to strike to participate in the rallies. The repetition of work stoppages, which leads to salary losses, is starting to weigh on the strikers’ portfolio.
“We expect a very very big mobilization”, confides Laurent Berger, who hopes “a popular and family moment”. While school holidays have started for a week for zone A and start this Saturday for zone B, the secretary general of the CFDT counts on this day to accentuate the pressure on the government. “It will be an important moment,” he said.
The intersyndicale would indeed have a lot of trouble rebounding in the event of failure and low participation. Which does not seem to be the trend. “The lifts are very positive, assures the confederal secretary to the Organization of Force Ouvrière (FO), Patricia Drevon. We expect a lot of people.” And if there will probably be a little less gatherings in the provinces, ” This is because there have been groups towards certain larger cities, “she underlines.
Organize a social movement without overflow
This day on Saturday is also an opportunity for unions to show, once again, their ability to organize a social movement without overflow. Because despite demonstrations without notable incidents and no paralysis of the economy, Emmanuel Macron, called on Friday from Brussels to “the spirit of responsibility” of the organizers of the protest so that “disagreements can express themselves, But in calm, respect for goods and people, and with a desire not to block the life of the rest of the country “. A rare presidential speaking on the subject that the main ones have been tasted.
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