Known for her outspokenness and her humor is coming back, the actress, surrounded by the sisters Audrey and Stéphanie Chamot, sings to denounce the violence against women, ordinary machismo and class contempt. A raw and provocative spectacle that aims to release speech and change looks.
by Charlotte Rotman
They arrive on stage in garish wigs, false furs and glitter shoes. The approach is staggering. The lipstick outrageously overflows. “All Moches”, they sing. But it is not a song, rather a manifesto. They evoke “the old”, “the unbearable”, “the hysterics”, “the discussion” … They make the public repeat a list of synonyms: (“choune, mold, foune, bush, bush …”): “c ‘ is the hymn to the vulva. “
At the hangar, in Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), this Saturday evening of January, actress Corinne Masiero is at the microphone. Her voice carries that of the invisible and their anger, as well as that of “incestuated” since she herself publicly revealed the incest that she suffered, in a documentary broadcast in September 2022 on France 3 (incest, the Say and hear it, by Andrea Rawlins-Gaston). She is accompanied by two singers, the binoculars Audrey and Stéphanie Chamot. The crazy trio and punk is called “the vaginitis”.
The three women are almost naked. They fell their synthetic beast skins. They each wear a slogan t-shirt (“Rage Against Ze Machiss”, “I will not suck your eyes open”, “deliver us males”) and panties smeared with blood. Music takes off, but some sentences nail on site. “In forty -eight hours, a woman will die.” Or “my godfather, he makes me eat his dick” – Balanced with a high voice perched from the girl. Here, there is also talk of “passionate crime”, pension reform, Darmanin and dismissal. Hematomas, belt, saucepan, bottle…
a ambush
A beer in hand, spectators accustomed to rock rooms do not expect that. “Wood a blow, it’s my rotating!” Says Corinne Masiero, diverting rhymes. The concert is almost akin to a heist. An ambush, to talk about violence. The last piece is called your mouth. But it’s about opening it. Supplique addressed to the mother, the sister, the girlfriend, the neighbor, the colleague, the spectator, to unzip the silence that dumps and makes an accomplice. First shy, then resolved, fists then get up in the public. The vaginitis will have other dates, in the coming weeks: in Lille, Saint-Germain-Lembron (Puy-de-Dôme), Concarneau (Finistère), Chaumussay (Indre-et-Loire)…
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