The executive no longer hides his disappointment with reformist unions, with whom he hoped to get along. As for the LR deputies, they are more unpredictable than expected.
by Ivanne Trippenbach
Does the pension reform seem like a minister worried in early January, to a vast “poker blow”? The government has shot down one by one by one cards, since January 10, hoping to convince on its project to bear the age of departure from 62 to 64 years in 2030. Tuesday, February 7, 757,000 demonstrators according to the Ministry of the Interior , nearly 2 million according to the CGT, have still paraded throughout the country, within more striking processions than those of January 31. But at the top of the State, caution reigned pending the mobilization of Saturday February 11, more feared and announced as massive.
The day after the debates opened in the hemicycle of the National Assembly, the executive power advances in uncertainty. If the journey of a reform takes part in the theater in which shattering declarations, secret contacts and backwards, the government of Elisabeth Borne comes up against the bluff of partners determined to play the balance of power, leaves to disrupt the bluff. The classic dynamics of negotiations.
At the Ministry of Labor, we no longer make disappointments with the reformist unions, which have never pronounced the words of so hoped. “They are under pressure from a base. They lied to us,” said Olivier Dussopt on Tuesday at the point of the day. A few hours later, Laurent Berger called on the government to hear this “dignified, responsible, supervised movement”, under penalty of having a real democratic problem in the long term “. The executive believes to perceive a corner driven into the union unit, between those who argue for demonstrations without strikes and those who intend to harden the action by blockages and renewable strikes.
“The Republicans do not have not been lied yet “
While the street rumbles, the government puts on parliament. “It is an institutional time, the Assembly is the resonance fund for questions and concerns,” said the Elysée. Again, a certain vagueness reigns. The presidential camp knows that he is no longer the master of clocks, while the alliance of the new popular, ecological and social union (clouds) slows the debates by handling obstruction, but can just as well remove his 18 000 amendments and hasten the vote on the age of 64. A decisive pace in discussions with the ally Les Républicains (LR). The path had seemed to be drawn to the right, after the concessions announced by Elisabeth Borne Sunday in the Journal du Dimanche, responding to the LR group’s request to limit the contribution duration of those who started working between 20 and 21 years old.
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