These elected officials make seven proposals to “deploy in emergency over the whole national territory” for “the care of all children and their families without solution”.
MO12345lemonde with AFP
Twenty-two left mayors challenge President Emmanuel Macron on homeless families, in an open letter published by Sunday newspaper .
“We do not resign ourselves in the face of the social distress that we see every day”, write these elected officials, stressing that “this winter is particularly worrying because it combines several factors of weakening of people already in a situation of great vulnerability “.
The letter is notably signed by the PS mayors of Paris Anne Hidalgo, of Lille Martine Aubry, by Rennes Nathalie Appéré, of Nantes Johanna Rolland, of Rouen Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, and the Ecologists of Strasbourg Jeanne Barseghian, of Lyon Gregory Doucet, de Bordeaux Pierre HURMIC, or by Grenoble Eric Piolle.
Left elected officials make seven proposals “to deploy in emergency throughout the national territory”, and undertake to “fully mobilize” for their implementation.
They thus ask “an emergency plan for the care of all children and their families without solution”.
They propose to generalize the annual count of the number of people forced to sleep on the street; to adopt “a programming and planning law” of accommodation places, “in a logic of territorial solidarity”, with the possibility of empty buildings and a mechanism of financial penalties; to “lift the financial brakes on the production of affordable housing and social housing” by increasing housing aid.
Elected officials also wish to allow the regularization of people “permanently installed on the national territory”, and the opening of “first reception centers spread across the whole territory for people coming to seek refuge in France”.
They still offer the organization of Estates General of Food Aid.
In his Annual report presented this week, the Abbé Pierre Foundation estimates the number of homeless people in France. Or 30,000 more than the previous year, and an increase of approximately 130 % compared to 2012.
A few months after his first election at the head of the State in 2017, Emmanuel Macron said that he no longer wanted to see “no one in the streets, in the woods, by the end of the year” . “The first battle: to house everyone with dignity. I want emergency accommodation everywhere. I no longer want women and men on the streets”. In February 2019, the government had nevertheless decided on a budget down 57 million euros for emergency accommodation.