Long careers, “index of seniors” … The Prime Minister announced inflections on the law on Sunday, in a spirit of openness and in order to obtain the vote, in particular LR deputies
by Bertrand Bissuel
A concession to the right, a few gestures towards the majority … On the eve of the start of the reform of the pension reform by the deputies, Elisabeth Borne announced, in an interview with Sunday Journal of February 5, several retouching to the text. The most important of them will allow certain assets, having started to work young, to claim the payment of their pension at 63, one year before the legal departure age which will be established in the long term. Government’s heading wants to show its openness, so as to collect the widest possible adhesion, in particular that of elected representatives Les Républicains (LR), the risk that the Executive be put in the minority during the debates being very real .
First notable inflection: the extension of the long career system to individuals who have started their professional life between 20 and 21 years old. “They will be able to leave at 63,” says M Me bounded in the JDD. Several conditions are laid down: notably having contributed for at least four or five quarters before the twenty and, first anniversary. The measure should concern “up to 30,000” women and men per year, its cost being estimated between 600 million and 1 billion euros over a year.
The tenant of Matignon tries to meet an expectation expressed by LR parliamentarians: authorize retirement, after forty-three years of subscription, to those who took their first steps on the market employment before 21 years old. However, the proposal of M borne did not obtain the expected result. “It is a deception,” reacted, Sunday, Aurélien Pradié (LR), deputy for the Lot. The unions, for their part, are not more enthusiastic. “The” moved “on long careers is very complicated to decipher, estimates Laurent Berger, the secretary general of the CFDT, in a daily interview Les Echos on Monday. Are we going to allow employees who have contributed forty-three years from 20 years old to retire (…), and continue to ask employees who started before, that is to say between 16 and 18 years old, forty-four years of subscription? It would be deeply unfair . “
” Political carrot “
The other changes unveiled by M borne concern the employment of people in the last years of their professional career. The “senior index”, which aims to “objectify the place” of elderly workers in companies and to “enhance good practices”, will be implemented “gradually” in companies with more than 50 employees. It was the target that had been envisaged at the end of autumn 2022, before the threshold was raised to 300 employees in the bill. The executive therefore returns to its initial idea.
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