The fourth day of mobilization falls in the middle of the school holidays. The unions therefore made the decision to call only to demonstrate so as not to make the movement unpopular and “save days of strike”.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
During the fourth day of mobilization against the pension reform, Saturday 11 February, the representative unions of the SNCF do not call for the strike but enjoin the railway workers “to participate in the demonstrations throughout the territory”, They announced Monday.
An ad that follows the fears expressed by travelers. With the exception of Ile-de-France and Occitanie, most of the country will indeed be on vacation on Saturday, on the first day of winter leave for zone B (Aix-Marseille, Nantes, Rennes, Lille, Strasbourg…). The unions have thus decided not to penalize travelers and denounce “demagogic controversies over the right to strike” launched according to them by the government.
“The government is already starting to castigate strikes and blockages, pointing to the hunting of February holidaymakers hoping to” return “public opinion”, wrote the CGT-Cheminots, the Unsa-Ferrovia, South -Rail and the CFDT-Cheminots in a joint press release. “It’s a lost pain and it is a bad calculation!”, They insisted.
keep opinion on their side and save forces
“We are talking about pensions reform and they answer us hardening of the right to strike. They would like to make the movement unpopular, so we are not going to give them this pleasure,” said the France-Presse Fabien Dumas, secretary Federal South-Rail.
“There is also a second objective: to save days of strike for employees, because there, we are on a half-distance race and by a sprint,” said the secretary general of the UNSA -Ferrovia, Didier Mathis.
A strike is already scheduled Tuesday at the call of all the unions of the public group, in the wake of the third day of national mobilization against the pension reform. The SNCF plans to roll one TGV out of two on average and three TERs out of ten, a slight improvement in traffic compared to the strike on Tuesday January 31.
Wednesday, February 8, another day of strike is organized but this time at the call of the only CGT-Cheminots and South-Rail. All union organizations have planned to meet again to consider the continuation of the mobilization on Wednesday afternoon.