These new churches which “invite us to radical update in way of apprehending Christianity”

Do not speak of Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, or even Evangelicals, but rather “Wake up Churches”, “Churches of African Initiatives” or “postcolonial churches” … L ‘Sub -Saharan Africa sees multiplying a myriad of new unclassifiable churches, which also arrive in Europe. Decryption with the historian and sociologist Sébastien Fath.

Interview by Gaétan Supertino

Sébastien Fath is a historian and sociologist within the societies, religions, secularism of the CNRS, specializing in the study of evangelical Protestantism and “postcolonial” Christianity. On the occasion of the Pope’s trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan, he deciphers, in an interview with the world, the recompositions at work within African Christianity, where the established churches are moreover In addition to competition by new churches with growing aura, including beyond the continent.

What are the major trends of African Christianity?

Between 1900 and 2010, the share of Christianity in the African population would have increased from 9 % to 57 %. The long trend is therefore growth. But, in detail, there is little reliable data. All states do not make censuses based on religion. In addition, there is sometimes a phenomenon of double belonging, with people who can go from one Church to another according to their religious needs of the moment.

/Media reports cited above.