More than 20,000 tonnes of illegal deposits pollute the former military fort of La Redoute des Hautes-Bruyères. The State has two months to explain its depollution engagement, failing which the municipality will seize administrative justice.
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“State property”, “Dangerous zone”, warn the red plates hanging on the fence crowned with barbed wire. Occupied by the CRS between 1970 and 2016, the former military fort of La Redoute des Hautes-Bruyères, in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne), is today disused. It is notably here, on the outskirts of a large area delimited by the A6 motorway to the west, the Hautes-Bruyères departmental park to the southeast and the Gustave-Roussy Institute to the northeast, that Be erected the ZAC Campus Grand Parc. Friday, February 3, three ministers (health, industry and higher education) were on site to officially launch the future Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster, an ambitious public and private pole of cancer research which must be built there by 2027. In Investing 100 million euros in this “cluster”, France hopes to become the world leader in biomedical innovation in oncology. To achieve this, it is necessary to “collect the actors by giving them a place”, recalled Valérie Pécresse, president of the Ile-de-France Regional Council, during the launch, and therefore to “continue to release land” , abounds Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education.
Now, part of this future “health center” is crumbling today under waste, which fill the moats of the fort. Gravats in bulk or bagged, broken fiberociment plates, household appliances, etc. The amoncellements of materials from the construction industry culminate until twelve meters high. According to an environmental diagnosis established in September 2021 by the Antea Group cabinet for the Val-de-Marne prefecture, there would be 30,200 cubic meters of waste, or about 20,800 tonnes. At least 10 % of them would contain asbestos. “The field of La Redoute must be released and completely depolluted,” said Pierre Garzon, mayor of Villejuif (PC) in front of all political leaders.
cargoes illegally unloaded
This waste was deposited in the spring of 2020. For several months, access to the redoubt from the A6 motorway was made possible by a path fitted by the Société du Grand Paris, initially to facilitate the journey of the trucks going At the Grand Paris Express site, in front of the Gustave-Roussy Institute, where a new station must accommodate line 14 at the end of 2024, then line 15 at the end of 2025. Thanks to this direct access, vehicles filled with rubble and construction cuttings can easily – and illegally – unload their cargo in the redoubt.
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