China, as part of spy mission, launched deadly balloon over United States

The Chinese high -altitude aerostat of observation is noticed drifting over the territory of the United States. He caused the concern of citizens about national security. The Ministry of Defense states that it does not plan to shoot it down yet.

“The United States Government has discovered and has been tracking a high -altitude surveillance aerobat for several days, which is now above the continental part of the United States” – It is said in the statement of the Pentagon of General Patan Raider.

Ryder said that they are carefully monitored behind the balloon, and at present he is not a threat. He also added that this is not the first similar ball over the past few years, and the US government has taken immediate actions to protect against collecting confidential information.

The US government is confident that the balloon belongs to China. At one point in time, the balloon circled over the Montana – one of the three states in which nuclear weapons are stored. The ball soars at a height larger than commercial air transportation, and therefore does not pose a direct danger. Nevertheless, according to the Ministry of Defense, the plans of its forced descent using F-22 fighters.

were considered

However, high-ranking generals in the United States recommended not to take any “kinetic actions” against the balloon due to the risk that falling fragments could threaten people’s safety on Earth.

Since the ball can be seen without special equipment, and many Americans saw it personally, the flight of the balloon did not comment on the Internet only the lazy. Here are some interesting posts:

  • “Everyone wants to take a look at the Chinese spy balloon, in the next few days it will become a raging Internet trend, unless the Air Force be hit earlier” – writes in his Twitter Alejandro Alvarez.
  • “In 1945, the crew of the aircraft carrier” New York “noticed a sphere that, in their opinion, could be a Japanese balloon. The captain ordered him to be shot down, but not one of the guns fell. Finally, the navigator understood, What are they attacking Venus ” – refers to the past u.S. Naval Institute.
  • “Yes, come off this ball!”, – calls former US president Donald Trump.

/Media reports cited above.