Eight bodies discovered aboard boat around Lampedusa

In 2022, 105,000 people won Italy clandestinely, and nearly 5,000 have arrived there since the start of the year, a figure up sharply compared to the last two years, according to the Ministry of the Interior.


The bodies of eight people, including a pregnant woman, were discovered aboard a boat around the Italian Island of Lampedusa, announced local authorities, Friday, February 3.

“There are forty-two survivors, including two pregnant women,” said Filippo Mannino, mayor of Lampedusa, at the France-Presse agency:

“I have lost the death account. I have been mayor for six months and I have already received at least forty dead. It is not normal. Almost every week we recover corpses. The situation is by train to become really dramatic. Europe must do something, the government must do something. “

Immigration and the management of clandestine arrivals will be on the agenda of the next extraordinary summit in the European Union, scheduled for February 9 and 10.

five thousand arrivals from the start of the year

The island of Lampedusa, located a hundred kilometers east of the Tunisian coasts, is the first gateway to Europe for migrants arriving from North Africa. In 2022, 105,000 people won Italy clandestinely and nearly 5,000 arrived there since the beginning of the year, a figure up sharply compared to the last two years, according to the Interior Ministry.

The Italian government, trained in October by Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Italian Italia far -right party, struggled by all means against clandestine arrivals and insisted to register this subject to the order of Summit day. Rome hopes in particular to obtain an automatic redistribution of arrivals, an idea which comes up against the strong resistance of many member states of the EU.

To try to slow down at least arrivals, the government adopted a binding law in early January the NGOs who try to help the candidates for exile immediately report their rescues so that a landing port is allocated to them. It is often far from the place of rescue, which makes them waste a lot of time.

/Media reports cited above.