Burma: military junta maintains state of emergency

The extension of six months of “the state of military emergency” established after the coup of February 2021 rejects the holding of legislative elections that the junta intended to organize to allow her political party to take advantage of ‘An electoral victory, while excluding the opposition.

by Brice Pedroletti (Bangkok, correspondent in Southeast Asia)

Two years after the coup d’état of 1 er February 2021 which overthrew the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, the military junta in power in Burma faces a determined resistance and Increasingly organized, which calls a little more into question, every day, its claims to direct the country. Wednesday 1 er February, most of the cities in the country plunged in silence, curtains of closed businesses, familiar families at home, to respond to the call to the civil disobedience of the government of national unity (NUG), the underground organization which claims to be parliament from the November 2020 elections, canceled by the junta.

The day before, the managers of the junta had gathered around General Min Aung Hlaing, the chief of the armies and instigator of the putsch, to rule on “the state of military emergency”, supposed to end on January 31 , and the holding of general elections that the junta planned to organize, as she did not stop claiming, after six months of “return to normal”, that is to say in August 2023. This scenario was challenged. The “extraordinary circumstances” in which the country is found did not allow, at this stage, “return to normality”, explained Min Aung Hlaing, denouncing the “terrorist attacks” against the staff in charge of the pre -electoral census.

The announcement of the extension for six months of the state of emergency, made on the 1 er in the evening, repels sine die this electoral consultation designed to give a varnish of legitimacy to the party of soldiers, called Union Solidarity and Development Party. A new law on the registration of political parties, made public on January 27, had indeed already announced the adoption of a proportional voting system, favorable to the military, and imposed drastic registration conditions for The parties wishing to compete, de facto excluding the National League for Democracy (NLD), the party of Aung San Suu Kyi, target of a methodical persecution. In addition to his leader, sentenced to thirty-three years in prison, 1,232 party members, including 80 deputies, are in detention, recalled the LND in A press release January 29, while formally rejecting a participation in these future” illegal elections “. However, the NLD is the only national party party.

new prolonged reign of terror “

Similar conditions had been imposed by the previous junta in 2010, leading to the boycott of the elections by the NLD, until the pro-military government which had been stood for the vice around Aung San Suu Kyi, and allows him to become a deputy, in 2012. This had paved the way in the free elections of 2015, who had put the lady of Rangoun in the saddle as the head of a government democratically elected for the first time after decades of dictatorship .

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/Media reports cited above.