Pension reform: examination ends in committee, without going to end of text

Only two articles – out of the twenty content in the bill – could have been reviewed from Monday, January 30 to Wednesday, February 1. While the postponement of the legal age at 64 could not be discussed, the left was accused of playing “obstruction”, before examining the text in public session from February 6.

by Bertrand Bissuel

Are deputies capable of carrying out a debate – roughly – serene and deepened on pension reform? The doubt is allowed after a first examination of the text by the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, from Monday, January 30 to Wednesday 1 er February. The discussions, synonymous with a heating tower before work during the session, were often stormy and confused. Above all, only two articles – out of the twenty content in the bill – could be reviewed: the flagship measure, rejected by a majority of the population and by part of the oppositions, which consists in postponing 62 to 64 years the legal age of departure has not been addressed.

By closing the exchanges on Wednesday evening, Fadila Khattabi, the president (Renaissance) of the commission, regretted that they did not allow “to go to the end of the text”. “We still gathered for twenty-eight hours,” she said, considering that it was “more than enough” with regard to the number of provisions included in this bill for amending social security financing law For 2023. The deputy of Côte -d’Or recalled that the elected officials of the new Ecological and Social People’s Popular Union (Nuts) had carried a “plethora of amendments” – “6 194” exactly, or about 85 % of the all of those who have been deposited by all groups.

maneuvers “delay”

In fact, a very large part of the debates was devoted to proposals defended by the left, in particular on article 2, relating to the creation of an index on the employment of seniors. On the grounds that they wanted to give “consistency” to a “ghostly” device, the elected officials of the Nuts sought to make it more restrictive. In terms of financial sanctions against companies that do not publish the results of this index, they have for example defended more than ten amendments to the applicable rate. Representatives of other political forces have lost patience. “I ask you to stop this game (…) of obstruction”, launched Bénédicte Auzanot (national rally, vaucluse), denouncing “delaying” maneuvers, which prevent “from quickly” at the central measure of the Reformation: the postponement of the legal retirement age, to which the extreme right is hostile, just like the NUPS.

Left deputies have also been accused of slowing down the discussion by supporting many amendments intended to identify new resources for pension plans: increased tax on the highest successions, contribution on “automatic fund machines Food stores “… Such” strategy “leads to a” impasse “, according to Philippe Vigier (Democrat, Eure-et-Loir). It is “blockage”, indignant Sylvain Maillard. In passing, the Renaissance deputy of Paris attacked the communist elected officials, who obtained a vote favorable to their amendment having the effect of reducing the rate of CSG claimed from the wealthiest retirees: a “gift” qualified as ” Inconscentric “by M. Maillard, the left also trying to bring money into the boxes and not being supposed to fly to the aid of the best-based categories.

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/Media reports cited above.