The Minister of Education also declared on Wednesday on the website of the magazine of LGBT+ “stubborn”, to have decided to establish in all the academies of the observatories of LGBTPHOBIES.
Mo12345lemonde with AFP
The Ministry of Education will launch an awareness campaign against homophobia in school in May, focusing on the reception of LGBT+students, announced on Wednesday 1
“These students can count on me, and they must be able to count on the adults present in the establishments, to put an end to each harassment situation. I want to be the minister who will take a decisive step in taking into account the LGBT+people. This is why I decided to generalize in all the academies of the observatories of LGBTPHOBIES. “
” The trigger “
The Minister explained in mid-January to want this generalization after the suicide of a college student, Lucas, at the beginning of the month in Golbey (Vosges). His mother estimated on Monday that harassment suffered by his son because of his homosexuality had clearly been “the trigger” in his act.
These observatories make it possible to collect information, to initiate prevention and support actions for educational teams, or to implement training. -hidden = “True”>
Furthermore, “we are going to launch a strong awareness campaign on May 17, International Day to Combat Homophobia and Transphobia. This campaign will focus on the reception of LGBT+ students”, continues Mr. Ndiaye on the Têtu site. “We must also make an effort in the programs, in the way in which school sociabilities are happening …”
The Minister wants “the doors to be wide open” to associations which make awareness concerning these subjects, “which have an approval and have acquired precious expertise”.
Questions of sexuality education “are less divisive, especially politically, than in the past-except on the part of the extreme right,” he believes, judging that “society has been moving a lot for ten years “. “There is certainly an aggressive reactionary world that attacks school via LGBT+questions. But I think it is a very noisy reaction that does not reflect current society.”