Two new mobilizations are already planned as part of the inter -union, for Tuesday 7 and Saturday 11 February.
by Bertrand Bissuel
Accelerate the tempo and widen the dispute. After a second national day of action against the pension reform which drained, Wednesday, January 31, a record number of demonstrators on Wednesday, January 31, the eight main workers’ unions and five youth movements still want to harden the balance of power with the government. They announced two new mobilizations for Tuesday 7 and Saturday February 11. Their objective remains of course the same: obtaining the abandonment of a project which is postponed by a very clear majority of the population.
The choice of these two dates, made public Tuesday evening at the end of a meeting of the inter -union which took place at the headquarters of FO, in Paris, owes nothing to chance. The law, which shifts the legal retirement age at 64, is examined in session by deputies from Monday, February 6. “We really want to put pressure on parliamentarians and the government,” explains Patricia Drevon, confederal secretary of FO. 2> “not just activists”
The modalities to lead the struggle evolve a little. Not only are the initiatives linked at a slightly more intense pace than before but one of them will take place during a weekend, at the request of several organizations, including the CFDT. “We wanted to open this possibility because employees tell us that they cannot afford to lose part of their remuneration by joining a demonstration during their working time during the week, underlines Marylise Léon, number two of the power plant Cededist. For them, it is complicated in terms of purchasing power. “” On Saturday, we will have people who do not usually manifest, “adds M me drevon.
Apart from the intersyndicale watchwords, sectoral movements are, moreover, programmed. Thus, the CGT-Cheminots and South-Rail called to two consecutive days of work stoppage, on February 7 and 8, while pleading in favor of a “reappeactable strike by periods of twenty-four hours”, from From mid-February, if the power in place maintains its project. For its part, the National Federation of the CGT in the chemical industries also invited employees to put their bags, for sixty-two hours, from February 6.
As usual, the counting of people who beat the pavement on Tuesday is matter in Quarrelle. The Ministry of the Interior identified 1.27 million (against 1.12 million on January 19, during the first mobilization). The inter -union, it ensures that “more than 2.5 million” of women and men have disengaged or parade in the street. “There were not only militants. We also saw people who had deserted the demonstrations, the strike,” said Murielle Guilbert, general co -legged by Solidaires.
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