Gérald Darmanin announces dissolution of two groups

The association Alertors advocating radical Islam and the far -right group Bordeaux nationalist were dissolved Wednesday in the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior.


The Council of Ministers dissolved, Wednesday 1 February, two groups: the alerters installed in the Aude, advocating radical Islam, and Bordeaux nationalist, bearer of an ideology “xenophobic Appeal to hatred and violence, “said Gérald Darmanin. The dissolution of the two groups was pronounced in council on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior.

According to the dissolution decree, the Association is criticized for the alerters of “convey an anti -republican and radical ideology inviting revolt and violence by suggesting that the coup would be a mode of action to Favor in front of the French government “and to disseminate conspiratorial theses. In addition to an anti -Semitic and homophobic discourse, he is also criticized for the association for “minimizing” the attacks which have struck France and of tender “to justify them in the name of blasphemy”.

Bordeaux Nationiste, a far -right group of the Gironde capital, is criticized for the involvement of its members in “facts of violence in meeting and degradation” as well as “brawls” against “anti -fascist activists” . According to the decree pronouncing its dissolution, it is mentioned “strategy for recruiting new members by exalting the use of violence”, and the regular “organization” of gatherings in tribute or support for ultra -right groups or personalities emblematic of collaboration “.

/Media reports cited above.