From Wednesday, the isolation of positive tested persons will no longer be systematically claimed and the deficiency time returns in sick leave.
by Delphine Roucautus
Test, trace, isolate … The Mantra of the government repeated to the envy during the first two years of the Covid-19 epidemic lives its last hours.
Admittedly, in mid-January, the screening rate was already at its lowest level since August 2020 and rare were still the people receiving notifications of contacts in health insurance. But it is the most symbolic measure of the COVID era which was lifted on Wednesday 1 er February: systematic isolation for people tested positive is no longer required. In addition, contact cases are no longer requested to do a test at “J + 2”. With the abandonment of these two measures established on January 3, 2022, the authorities seem to want to turn the page of the tsunami omicron.
January 31 also signs the end of the COVVID contact teleservice which made it possible to search for contact cases around a contaminated person. A very concrete consequence is, in the event of sick leave linked to the COVVI-19, the return of the deficiency period before the payment of daily allowances by social security, as a decree published on Saturday January 28 in the Official Journal .
Finally, from Wednesday, oral consent on the sharing of personal data will be requested from anyone being tested in pharmacies or in the laboratory. In case of refusal, it will no longer be possible to obtain a negative test certificate. But the result of the test will remain well available in all cases and data thus anonymized will always be used for epidemiological surveillance.
- is it the end of the measures against the COVVI-19 ?
This decision of the Ministry of Health is based on the recommendations made by the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) in a letter sent on January 26 . According to its author, Didier Lepelletier, “we must continue to monitor the epidemiological indicators to be able to put measures in place if necessary”. The President of the HCSP specifies that the institution does not recommend putting an end to the isolation and screening of contact cases “but to no longer have a systematic use of it”. “This is an evolution to move away from the compulsory aspect of these measures and instill in the population universal gestures of hygiene for the protection of the weakest,” insists Mr. Lepelletier.
A plea in favor of barrier gestures, therefore, rather than a blank given to the population so as not to protect themselves. At the heart of the good reflexes to adopt: the wearing of the mask as soon as symptoms evoked a respiratory disease.
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