Jair Bolsonaro had left Brazil for Florida two days before Lula’s inauguration on January 1, and his current visa should soon expire, according to his lawyers.
mo12345lemonde With AFP
The former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, who is the subject of an investigation into his role in the violent attack against the siege of national institutions in Brasilia on January 8, asked a six-month visa for Staying in the United States, said his lawyer this Monday, January 30.
The former far -right president had left Brazil for Florida two days before Lula’s inauguration on January 1, and his current visa should soon expire, according to the law firm AG Immigration. “We are looking forward to bringing the greatest satisfaction and the desired results to our client,” the firm said in a statement. “In his situation, he needs stability currently” estimated Felipe Alexandre, founder of the consulting company.
m. Bolsonaro would have entered the United States with a visa issued to visiting leaders, which will expire on Tuesday since it is no longer on an official mission.
elected American Democrats have mobilized
The former Brazilian president had indicated on the CNN antenna in Brazil that he intended to return at the end of January and that he was even thinking of advancing his return for health reasons. Jair Bolsonaro had been the victim of a stabbing assault in 2018 during an electoral trip. He has since undergone several surgical interventions for intestinal occlusion.
On January 8, thousands of supporters of Mr. Bolsonaro, dissatisfied with the victory of Lula Da Silva over the ex-far-right president in the presidential election of October 2022, invaded and vandalized the Presidential palace, the Congress and the Supreme Court in Brasilia.
A few days later, elected democrats had called for Joe Biden to revoke the Jair Bolsonaro visa, refusing that the United States serves as a refuge for the former leader. “We must not allow Mr. Bolsonaro or any other former Brazilian official to find refuge in the United States in order to escape justice for any possible crime committed during his mandate”, write these 41 elected officials, all of the Democratic Party , in an open letter to President Biden.
Anderson Torres, ex-minister of justice, was arrested on January 14 as part of the rush investigation, while he was entering the United States.