The far -right coalition in power strengthens the military and police numbers and multiplies the punitive measures against the families of the Palestinian attackers.
by Clothilde Mraffko (Jerusalem, Correspondence)
The situation threatens to switch to any time. In the morning of Monday, January 30, a Palestinian was killed by Israeli soldiers in the south of the West Bank. The day before, well before dawn, it was at the entrance to a colony, to the north, that Ali Salman, 18, was shot by guards. According to the army, he was “armed with a pistol”. On Saturday, in Silwan, south of the ramparts of the old town of Jerusalem, a 13 -year -old Palestinian teenager injured by bullets a father and his Israeli son. The latter and another attacked passerby ripposted by pulling and injuring the attacker.
Israeli police say they have received 41 attack reports on Sunday. In parallel, settlers organized descents: a house and cars burnt down to Ramallah, more than a hundred wedged vehicles and twenty-two stores attacked in the Nablus region.
The tension has not been falling since the attack on the Israeli army on Thursday morning on the Jenine camp in northern West Bank. Ten Palestinians were killed in a few hours – the deadliest raid for twenty years. An eleventh died of his injuries after being targeted by soldiers to Ramallah. The next day, when Shabbat had just started, a 21-year-old Palestinian killed six Israelis and an Ukrainian, in the colony of Neve Yaakov, in East Jerusalem, before being shot. The worst attack that the country has experienced in fifteen years.
Israeli military and police officers have been strengthened, while the government of Benyamin Netanyahu has announced several measures. None is really new: it is notably planned to build colonies and to facilitate obtaining permits for wearing weapons – Israeli civilians are already largely provided in this area.
The extreme right coalition also takes up a worn formula: punish the families of the authors of attacks. Sunday afternoon, Israeli forces sealed doors and windows of the family house of the assailant of Neve Yaakov, Khayri Alqam, before his demolition. That of the author of the Silwan attack should also be condemned – usually, the measure only concerns those who have killed. Israel has been resorting to this sanction since 2005, but this time the executive was expeditious, in addition to certain legal obligations. Ministers have proposed to place under blocks certain parts of East Jerusalem, occupied and annexed illegally by Israel. The security services said no.
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