The unique allies of the government want to take advantage of their strategic position to be heard. In particular on long careers, while part of the right -wing deputies say they are ready to vote against the text.
by Alexandre Pedro
It is always frowned upon to come to “friends” empty -handed. Unique and strategic allies of the government, in order to guarantee it a majority in the National Assembly on the pension reform, the Republicans (LR) therefore arrive at its arms loaded on Monday, January 30, in the National Assembly. Their group has planned to deposit fourteen amendments, when examining the text before the Social Affairs Committee. If part of its requirements has already been accepted by macronists beforehand, the right does not intend to sign a white check to the executive, aware of the exponential unpopularity of the reform and the need to disseminate different music . “An amendment is a political act and we must remember that we are an opposition group,” says Stéphane Viry, deputy for the Vosges and one of the three LR speakers from Monday.
In the ranks of Renaissance, we note the list of races, without advancing too much on all possible points of convergence. “We are sensitive to their constructive approach for the parliamentary debate, which contrasts with the 6,000 amendments deposited by the Nuts, welcomes the macronist deputy of Val-de-Marne, Mathieu Lefèvre. On the other hand, it is also a question of preserving the ‘General and budgetary balance of the reform. “
Since the president of LR, Eric Ciotti, announced the support of his party to the text of the government, the presidential majority strives to be attentive to the requests of this precious ally, without letting him think that the Text is a white sheet on which it is free to write everything and propose. “We have every interest in pushing our proposals. The majority have no other solutions than to listen to us and not only to give its illusion,” wants to believe one of the other LR orators in committee, Véronique Louwagie.
If support for the pension reform of the elected official of the Orne is no secret, it is far from being the case for all his sixty and other colleagues. According to internal sources, around fifteen right -wing deputies are ready to press the “against” button. Aware of the reluctance of part of the group, their leader, Olivier Marleix, has multiplied the long meetings, in recent days, to listen to the hesitant and seek to convince the rebellious lights.
“Not White check “
Almost every day, a media publishes the count of the number of elected officials refusing to approve the text. The approach irritates Olivier Marleix, who nevertheless avoids exhausting to bring back to the herd the few sheep lost for good and reluctance from the start at age at 64 years. “I do not give a white check to the government, I wait to see the text, to see the progress that will be made, announces the deputy of Eure-et-Loir. There is of course that it is amended as we ask. “
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