This four -year program, which must be presented Monday, January 30 by the Prime Minister, arouses hopes, but also distrust in the associative environment, due to the failure of the previous device, deployed between 2018 and 2020.
by Robin Richardot
He was more than expected by all the actors of the anti -racist struggle. This Monday, January 30, at the Institute of the Arab World, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, was to present the new plan to combat racism, anti -Semitism and discrimination linked to the origin proposed by the government. Piloted by Isabelle Rome, Minister Delegate responsible for equality between women and men, diversity and equal opportunities, this plan over four years is in line with the previous system, proposed by Edouard Philippe in 2018 and deployed until 2020.
This dossier is the fruit of several months of consultations between the government -fifteen ministers participated in the discussions -, thirty -five associations, representatives of the memorial places, with the support of the defender of rights, of the National Commission Consultative from human rights and the interministerial delegation to the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred. A dozen ministers will also be present alongside Elisabeth Borne this Monday to present different points of the plan.
In total, 80 measures will be proposed, articulating around five axes: name the reality of racism, anti -Semitism and discrimination, measure this phenomenon, better educate and train, sanction the authors and accompany the victims . Among the flagship measures, a visit linked to history or a place of memory should be compulsory for each student during their schooling. The training on these challenges should also be reinforced, whether with teachers and staff of establishments, public service agents, sports educators as well as volunteers for the 2024 Olympic Games.
” Restore confidence “
On the criminal level, the government hopes to improve the collection and treatment of complaints thanks to an “evaluation grid to better qualify the facts” proposed to the police in order to avoid rankings without follow -up. He also intends to include in the law the possibility of issuing an arrest warrant in the event of a racist or anti -Semitic infraction, while creating aggravated sentences for these same offenses by persons posted from the public authority. This new plan finally aims to better fight against discrimination in access to housing and work by systematizing testings in different sectors, public and private.
Will these new measures be more successful than those offered in 2018? All the actors recognize in half a word that the old plan turned out to be a failure. And to look more closely, certain ideas of 2023 resemble objectives already targeted five years earlier, such as the desire to strengthen the training of all staff in establishments.
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