A French study conducted with 9,000 patients taken care of in general hospitals notes, in twenty years, a clear drop in mortality at two years. An evolution related to therapeutic progress.
by Pascale Santi
Good news on the lung cancer front: two -year mortality decreased in France, from 79 % in 2000 to 74 % in 2010, then to 52 % in 2020, as the results indicate, no Still consolidated, from the study kbp-2020-cphg , presented Sunday January 29 during French language pneumology congress in Marseille . One year survival increased from 40 % in 2000 to 55 % in 2020.
“This confirms the clinical impression that we had, with improved care due to the evolution of therapies, in particular immunotherapy, major advance in the management of bronchopulmonary cancers”, explained Hugues Morel, pulmonologist at the Orleans regional hospital center and president of the CPHG, during a press conference. “This improvement is noted regardless of the cancer stage during the diagnosis, even if it is more important for non-metastatic stages”, notes Didier Debieuvre, head of the pulmonology department at the hospital group of the South-Alsace Mulhouse region, which coordinates the KBP study. “The median survival [period at the end of which 50 % of patients are alive] all stages and all types combined, from 8.8 months in 2000 to 9.7 months in 2010 and 17.1 months in 2020 “, Continues the specialist.
“This study is very interesting, because these are patients of general hospitals, and not specialized centers, it is a lot of work, indicates Charles-Hugo Marquette, head of the pneumology department at the Nice de Nice de Nice , which does not participate in the study. I have been exercising for thirty-four years, and it has only improved over the past fifteen years. Before, the changes were more marginal. “
treatments targeted and immunotherapy
The new merit of being praised for this cancer, very largely linked to smoking, which affects more than 46,300 new people per year (31,200 men and 15,100 women). There remains the leading cause of cancer mortality in France, with 33,000 deaths each year.
“This progress is explained by better access to treatments and by better effectiveness of targeted treatments and immunotherapy”, underlines Didier Debievre. “They concern above all metastatic cancers, but also stages locally advanced for immunotherapy. The benefit in localized stages is now demonstrated for targeted anti-EGFR therapies [receptors of the epidermal growth factor] after surgery and for Pré and postoperative immunotherapy “, develops the specialist. In localized forms, surgery remains the reference treatment to withdraw the tumor.
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