The radio channel devotes seven hours of homage to the prolific novelist, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of her birth, with interviews, readings or adaptations drawn from the archives.
By Mouna El Mokhtari
A hundred and fifty years ago, January 28, 1873, was born in a Burgundian village Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, who died in 1954. France Culture pays tribute to him in ten episodes through a series of archives concocted by Albane Penaranda. “Seven o’clock is too short to pay tribute to Colette”, explains the producer.
To open the party, we will first retrace the life of the writer thanks to the program “Rereading”, of Hubert June, broadcast in 1978. We will then be interested in what was a constant in her life and in her work, the movement, through the visit of the Palais-Royal district, in Paris, where she lived from 1926 to 1930, and the reading of three … Six … (1944), collection of her multiples moves.
pioneer of self -fiction
will follow three of the six precious rivers interviews carried out on the evening of his life and broadcast in 1950, with the essential art critic André Parinaud. We will not sulk our pleasure in listening to one of the pioneers of self -fiction, with his pretty rolled “r”, repel, by paraphrasing his work, the ever more insistent assaults of the interviewer to make him admit that everything in the Claudine series is “true”, “autobiographical” or “important”. “Where the goat is attached, it must graze,” she said of her relationship with the first of her three husbands, the unfaithful Henry Gauthier-Villars (1859-1931), alias Willy, married at age 20 years old. She accesses literary and musical salons through him and first written for him, as a leafpiece.
Music “was [s] a true vocation,” says the one who was a music hall artist, whose bare pantomimes-and the lesbian kiss given to her lover Mathilde de Morny (1863-1944), Marquise de Belbeuf – caused a scandal at the beginning of the 20th e century. “Fortunately, I have given up on it.” She will not give up, on the other hand, to her modernity: she loves women as men, the living world, door pants and short hair and makes the pen run to sign light works of sensuality, such as Chéri (1920), the birth of the day (1928) or La Pag (1933) – including the radio adaptation of 1959 with the (then) young Annie Girardot and Jean -Louis Trintignant will be broadcast at 04 h 45.
“I was still surprised that I was called a writer, that a publisher and an audience treat me as a writer, and I attributed these renewed coincidences to a complacent coincidence”, writes the one who will become the second woman – After Judith Gautier in 1910, Théophile Gautier’s daughter – to enter the Goncourt Academy (1945) and the first to receive national funeral. The invitation to read and reread this work to invigorating voluptuousness will end with a reading with several voices of his novel Le Blé en buddment (1923).
The pleasure of spending a time with Colette will be extended in the next ” nights of France Culture “: from January 29 to February 12