set up at the start of the health crisis in 2020, this device will stop on February 1. The health situation has been clearly improving since the beginning of the year.
MO12345lemonde with AFP
Delighty work stoppages without a day of deficiency for people tested positive for COVID-19 will no longer be possible from 1 er February, according to a decree published on Saturday January 28 in the Official Journal . This text “puts an end to” the issuance of work stoppages derogating from the insured people unable to continue working, including remote “.
created at the start of the health crisis in 2020 “in order to limit the spread of the epidemic”, this system allowed employees to benefit from the additional salary paid by employers, without deficiency. It had been extended several times, recently by the social security budget for 2023, which however provided for the end of this measure “at the latest” at the end of the year.
The government has therefore decided to advance the deadline, while the health situation has been clearly improving since the start of the year, with less than 16,000 patients currently hospitalized, against nearly 25,000 in late December 2022. The number of contaminations also dropped in one month, from more than 20,000 to less than 5,000 per day on average.