The reform of the professional path, engaged in the fall of 2022 by President Macron, met with strong hostility on the ground. The government announced, on January 27, that it renounced its flagship measure: the 50 % increase in the time spent in a company.
by Violaine Morin
In the campaign for his re -election, Emmanuel Macron had promised it: the professional path, too little inserted, was going to be reformed. To allow it to find its attractiveness – and its effectiveness -, the Head of State had put on the table in March 2022 the proposal to increase the duration of internships in business by 50 %, attracting a strong opposition Professional high school teachers.
This challenge seems to have been heard, since there is no longer any question in the “proposals” presented on January 27 before the press by the Minister Delegate responsible for professional education and training, Carole Grandjean. These tracks of overhaul – which are not arbitrations, insisted the Minister – were drawn up by four working groups launched on October 21, 2022. They must still be the subject of bilateral meetings with the trade union organizations, as well as A presentation to the heads of establishments, before arbitrations provided for spring.
“We act favorably the abandonment of this measure”, welcomed Sigrid Gerardin, secretary general of the Snuep-FSU, Friday in the wake of the announcements. His union, as well as the CGT and the SNETAA -FO – majority among the teachers of the vocational high school – did not participate in the working groups and have never hidden their hostility in this project: a strike organized on October 18, in A few days before the launch of the consultations, was strongly followed in the high schools concerned.
“All that for that!”
The UNSA, which also brought the refusal of the lengthening of the duration of the internships but which participated in the round tables, also praised the abandonment of this idea. “If this is confirmed, it will prove that we were really listened to,” said Jérôme Fournier cautiously, who represented the SE-UNSA in the consultation.
Before journalists, Carole Grandjean has indeed assumed “the absence of consensus” on this project. “Today’s students are younger,” admitted the minister, and need to “build” the “conditions” within the high school for successful internship periods. “All that for that !, Takes an annoyance Pascal Vivier, from Snetaa-Fo. This proposal has never convinced anyone: neither the companies, who do not have time to take care of too young trainees, nor the parents , who never believed that it would help their children to be inserted, nor the young people, who are bored in catch-all courses. “
In place of this lengthening internships, the minister holds working groups the proposal to “modulate” the weeks spent in business differently in the course – with the idea less charge the start of the course and to More internships as the diploma approaches. On this point, she said she heard the various actors, who brought up the extreme variety of profiles from the students on the professional path. “Some need support time on business codes, behavior, preparation of a CV”, recognized Carole Grandjean.
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