The body fractured on a controversy linking the questions of transidentity and freedom of expression.
by Solène Cordier
A “immense mess”, an inevitable outcome “, the result of an” extremely unhealthy atmosphere “, the epilogue of a” lamentable spectacle “… Regrets, sometimes acrimonious, do not lack the evocation of the recent dissolution of the scientific council of the interministerial delegation to the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT (DILCRAH). The body was created in 2016 to shed scientific lighting to the Dilcrah – itself responsible for directing the public authorities on the aforementioned themes – and to select and support research work funded by the inter -ministerial delegation. Chaired by sociologist Smaïn Laacher, the scientific council punctually brought together intellectuals, researchers and academics specializing in research on anti -Semitism and racism, such as historian Gérard Noiriel, political scientist Rachid Benzine, sociologist Michel Wieviorka.
In 2019, he opened up to researchers working on anti-LGBT hatred and on gender issues, such as anthropologist Laurence Hérault, sociologist Irène Théry, sociologist Arnaud Alessandrin… that’s there , entrust some, which the internal quarrels date which ultimately led to the announcement of the dissolution. Over time, the fracture has widened between members of the first hour of the scientific council, specialists in anti -Semitism and racism, and certain more recent recruits.
None of this appears in the email of a few lines sent to the thirty members of the scientific council, Friday, January 20, by Sophie Elizéon, the inter -ministerial delegate. After the thanks for their use for their past work, the latter announces to them the “dissolution of the scientific council in its current form”.
“A blatant conflict of interest”
Contacted by MO12345lemonde, Sophie Elizéon first emphasizes that Dilcrah was the only inter -ministerial delegation with such a tool, “without particular texts supervise its missions or say to what type of requests it had to respond”. She indicates that she tried without success, after her arrival, in March 2021, to establish a working environment, “a proposal that did not really prospered”. A few days before the presentation of the new government plan to combat racism and anti -Semitism, scheduled for Monday, January 30, “it seemed appropriate to the ministries of the supervision of the Dilcrah – Matignon and the ministry delegated to equality – to rethink The way scientists could be mobilized, “she explains, taking up the terms of the email sent a few days earlier.
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