paid less than 20 euros per month at the start of their career, sometimes having neither equipment or even electricity in the classroom, the teachers of national education have no other choice to live than to take Small jobs.
by Marie Delcas (bogota, correspondent)
Venezuelan teachers demonstrate. Since the beginning of January, the protests of the teaching staff, whether primary, secondary or university, have been almost daily. The Venezuelan observatory of social conflict counted almost 400 in less than three weeks. Employees of other administrations and retirees are starting to mobilize to demand, too, better wage conditions.
“We are hungry”, we can read on the signs of protesters across the country. President Nicolas Maduro twice announced and distributed “homeland vouchers”. But these modest occasional allowances paid – in Bolivar, the national currency – on the bank account of civil servants have settled anything. “We do not want good, we want worthy salaries,” explains Carmen Teresa Marquez, invested president of the Venezuelan Federation of teachers, Wednesday 25 January.
But, while inflation went upwards (37 % in December 2022) and hyperinflation threatens to return to force, the government’s economic room for maneuver seems limited. President Maduro is trying to convince his citizens that American sanctions are the only responsible for their sad living conditions. 2>
odds and money received from abroad
monopolized by his eternal divisions and the preparation of the presidential election of 2024, the opposition seems for its part incapable of capitalizing on social dissatisfaction. “Our struggle is union type, we do not want political parties to get involved,” insists vigorously M me marquez. The phenomenon is new.
set at 130 bolivars in March 2022, the minimum wage of the public service paid the cost of the devaluation. At the start of the year, it is equivalent to $ 6.33 (5.60 euros). The teachers of national education at the start of their career earn less than 20 euros per month, including premiums. And those who are preparing to retire, just under 30. More than half of the country’s transactions are done in dollars.
This is to say that the teachers do not live in their salary but of odd jobs. A teacher sells donuts in the street, another makes manicures in the neighborhood, a philosophy teacher gives lessons at the neighborhood gymnasium. Many live money sent every month by a sister or a son who emigrated.
The situation of university professors is hardly more brilliant. “Thirty-three percent of them do not make three meals a day,” recalls sociologist Carlos Melendez, director of the University Observatory in Caracas. The rate reaches 48 % in the northeast of the country.
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