More than 320,000 first stay titles were issued in 2022. The share of work immigration has never been so high. More than 15,000 foreigners have been far from the territory.
by Julia Pascual
This is a historical level. In 2022, France issued more than 320,000 first residence permits, an increase of more than 17 % compared to 2021. These figures, published Thursday, January 26 by the Ministry of the Interior, testify to a dynamic migratory upwards. “We are resuming a long -term trend. The effects of the health crisis, which marked migratory flows in 2020 and 2021, are partially erased,” the Ministry of the Interior said. For comparison, first 193,000 titles were issued in 2012 and 172,000 in 2007. In total, in France, 3.8 million foreigners are now holding a residence permit. Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia are at the top of the countries of origin.
“It does not make France the world champion of immigration, neither in absolute value, nor in relative value”, tempers Jean-Christophe Dumont, OECD expert of international migrations. For comparison, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Germany had delivered nearly 540,000 residence permits in 2021 for a population of 83 million inhabitants and Canada more than 400,000 First stay titles, for 40 million inhabitants.
Notable fact in France in 2022: if family and student immigrants represent the two largest flows, it is mainly students and work immigration that explain the growth observed over the year.
More than 52,000 titles were thus issued for economic reasons, mainly to employees and, to a lesser extent, to seasonal workers. “Economic immigration is growing by 45 %, in direct connection with the needs of our economy in this period and a policy of attraction of talents,” said the director general of foreigners in France, Eric Jalon. The “talent passports”, intended for highly qualified profiles, are up 44.5 % with nearly 18,000 titles issued in 2022.
increase in unpaid workers’ regularization
Echoing this dynamic, the regularizations of undocumented workers were also up 29 % with nearly 11,000 regularizations by work, out of a total of more than 34,000 regularizations (which concerned in the first place Algerians, Moroccans and Malians). “One of the challenges of the trades title in tension will be to adjust to our needs access to the stay of people already in a work situation,” said Eric Jalon while the government should present in the Council of Ministers on 1
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