While the government report published on Monday reveals that a greater effort would be asked for women, the opposition continues to denounce the “injustice” of the project.
by Bertrand Bissuel
The government has a hard time making a coherent discourse on its pension reform. While the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, argued in the Sunday Journal of January 22 that she will do “no losers”, other voices, at the highest summit of the State, recognized the existence unfavorable impacts, due to the decline of the legal starting age. Blessed bread for oppositions, which saw an admission of the executive on the “unfair” character of the measures taken.
The controversy emerged, Monday, January 23, a few hours after the presentation in the Council of Ministers of the bill relating to the reform. The text was accompanied by a government report of a hundred and twelve pages on its “objectives” and its “effects”. This one shows, among other things, that women will have to repel the age at which they retire more importantly than men: the gap will be seven months for them against five months for them with regard to the 1966 generation, nine month against five months for the 1972 generation, and eight months against four months for the 1980 generation.
The highlighting of this difference in sex immediately caught attention and embarrassed several representatives of power. Questioned, Monday evening, on this subject, during a program on the parliamentary channel, Franck Riester, the Minister Delegate in charge of relations with Parliament, replied, after a reasoning not completely clear, that “women are obviously a bit penalized “, adding:” We absolutely do not discuss it. (…) We never said (…) that everyone was a winner, we ask an effort from the French. “The next day, on Franceinfo, Clément Beaune, The Minister for Transport, also said that “sometimes the jump will be a little bigger” for women. 2> a “false trial” according to Borne
In their respective interventions, these two members of the government stressed that the reform contains provisions which benefit particularly women: for example, the revaluation of the minimum pension or taking into account parental leave periods to be eligible for long career system. They will also, said Mr. Beaune, take advantage of the fact that the age of cancellation of the discount is maintained at 67, because studies show that it is more often they who must go to this terminal to avoid A penalty that would amputate their pension. With all these parameters put on “end to end, I think we are coming to a balance,” said the Minister Delegate for Transport.
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