The main players of the games are making a lot of efforts to “sell” the jobs related to the event. But to benefit the population of the department, which is at the forefront, turns out to be complicated.
by iris derœux
minicroisière in barge on the Seine in order to discover the games of the games; Job Dating by playing sports in a stadium with representatives of hotel or catering companies; Immersion with security agents … The main actors of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP), be it the Organizing Committee (COJOP), head of events, or the public establishment responsible for the delivery of Olympic works , the Solido, does not lack imagination to “sell” the jobs linked to the event of summer 2024.
It is a question of concretizing an official discourse which highlights a desire to have so -called “solidarity” games and having to be “an opportunity” for the host territories. But, halfway through preparation work, an observation is essential: between the starting promises on the positive benefits in terms of local employment and reality on the ground, there is a gap. If the involvement of the institutions is great, the difficulty in making it benefit from it just as much.
The situation in the Seine-Saint-Denis, at the forefront of these games, shows this, since this department drains 80 % of the Solido investments, with monumental sites, such as the Olympic village and that of the media. “We should rename the Seine-Saint-Denis 2024 games,” said the president of the departmental council, Stéphane Troussel, in mid-January, during an event in the Seine-Saint-Denis Chamber of Commerce, aimed at presenting “business opportunities” related to games.
For this territory, one of the hardest hit by unemployment for more than twenty years -a rate of almost 25 % among 18-25 year olds -, where the number of RSA beneficiaries is the highest of the Country, the starting premise was simple: the forty municipalities were going to benefit from the job created by the games. In March 2019, Paris 2024 had announced” 150,000 direct jobs created over the period 2018-2024 “ in the three sectors directly concerned by the games: event sector, tourism and construction.
Since then, enthusiasm has come down from a notch. “These are mobilized jobs, which especially includes existing jobs turned to games for a short period, and temporary job creations, part of which can benefit from the department”, summarizes Mama Kanouté, project manager to the Directorate of Employment and Integration to the Departmental Council.
The number of actors involved dilutes information
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