Much less widespread than the insurance version, the retirement savings plan (PER) in the securities count format nevertheless presents some advantages.
by Aurélie burden
few people are in the secure account format (also called a banking)! The vast majority of individuals on the market take the form of life insurance. This observation is however much less valid if we look at the offer on the side of the collective PERs. Normal, since these are the modern version of the Perco, historically offered by bank accounts. So you may have access to a banking per without knowing it …
On the other hand, on the side of the individual, the mayonnaise is struggling to take. Until recently, only two offers existed: those of Crédit Agricole and Yomoni. Most recently, the Inter Invest group is embarking on the race.
More known to savers for its activity of financing overseas projects (Girardin law), the group obtained three new approvals (account holding, PER and portfolio management on account of third parties) in order to propose its own banking per. He also plans to carry out account holding for other players. Thus, the young company Monaliza aims to launch a short-term account in the short term format whose account hold will be carried out by Inter Invest. We are however still far from a tidal wave.
The banking per has a major asset: its flexibility. It makes it possible to house a large number of investment media, without having to go through the caudine forks of the insurer: vifes titles, ETF (Exchange Traded Funds, listed index funds), private equity funds, structured products, Funds, real estate…
“It is much easier to house certain categories of products in a securities account, and in particular unlisted assets, which are completely relevant in a very long-term logic and which are also carrying Meaning, “said John Elalouf, the founder of Monaliza. In addition, it is potentially cheaper. But that remains questionable, some actors who have made great efforts on insurance products.
not always release in rent
Reverse of the medal, the banking per has some weaknesses. First, the absence of funds in euros whose capital is secure. Twenty years of retirement, it is not necessarily an evil, but the more the deadline for retirement is getting closer and the more the guaranteed asset takes on its meaning. However, this will not reject savers who wish above all to capitalize on their PER without necessarily using the money once retired.
Then, the taxation on death is not very advantageous in the context of a banking per. Indeed, there is no specific reduction for beneficiaries: the sums integrate the succession according to the classic rules. In practice, however, this has no impact when it is the spouse who inherits these sums since the latter is always exempt.
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