To stay visible while not putting the citizens on the back, the CGT Mines-Energy multiplies “punches” operations in the “Robin wood” mode, such as those aimed at reducing certain electricity notes.
by marjorie cessac
Targeted cuts, production cuts, free electricity. After the strike on Thursday, January 19, the National Federation CGT of Mines and Energy (FNME-CGT) is considering new actions, beyond the renewal of the strike on Thursday 26 and Friday, January 27, in order to make Fold the government on its pension reform project. “There are a lot of reflections around gratuity, the reduced price but also the restoration of all those cut despite the winter break, specifies Fabrice Coudour, federal secretary of the FNME-CGT. We try to reorient our initiatives to more positive acts with regard to citizens. “
In Marseille, Tuesday, January 24 in the evening, the CGT, for example, caused a sensation by announcing the launch of operations aimed at reducing the electricity notes of small traders, including the bakers who demonstrated the day before. “We have the means to carry out technical manipulations to halve the invoices of these users,” confirms Renaud Henry, secretary general of the CGT Energy Marseille, without going into detail. Before adding that this could affect other professions and places in France.
Reflections are in fact underway to extend these manipulations, including rocking times, schools or hospitals this week. Even if, the generalization of Linky meters – which allow cuts and the restoration of electricity remotely – complicates interventions. Fearing the expansion of these punch actions, several heavyweights of the government went up to the niche on Tuesday. “It is not the CGT which decides on prices”, “it is not up to the CGT to make the law” but “to parliamentarians”, hammered Bruno Le Maire at the microphone of Europe 1.
The government goes up to the niche
Asked about the increase in electricity bills, the Minister of the Economy considered that energy suppliers had taken their share by accepting at a meeting on Monday, January 23, the implementation of a Maximum guaranteed rate set at 280 euros per megawatt hour on average for 2023 for very small businesses (TPE). This rate will be applicable from the January invoice and accessible to very small businesses with less than ten employees who have renewed their electricity supply contract from the second half of 2022 and who do not benefit from the regulated sales rate.
For her part, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition, encouraged companies penalized by these cuts, qualified as illegal, to file a complaint. Well aware of the risks involved, these trade unionists are for the moment refused to communicate the number and the places concerned by the actions they have initiated, with a view to avoiding locations, in particular from the Enedis group.
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