Sunday evening, in the 11ᵉ arrondissement, an individual whose identity is not yet known has threatened civil servants by means of a dummy weapon. Investigations are in progress.
by Antoine Albertini
Facts still confused, a communication from the prefecture of locked police “due to an internal investigation and legal proceedings”: Monday, January 23, it remained difficult to know with precision the chain of facts that have Leads to the death of a 49-year-old man, presented as a “without domicile-fix” or a “marginal”, in the 11 e district of Paris, near the place de la Republic, shortly after 8 p.m. Sunday evening.
The individual was fatally affected by the fire of two peacekeepers after the police were called by residents, worried about his “threatening” attitude. The man would have robbed a weapon – a priori fake – on the dog of a Domicile -Fixe, without however that it is for the moment possible to determine the cause of his behavior, nor the reasons for a possible argument who could have led him to this gesture.
A crew of three officials of the police station of 20
Light the circumstances
Two of the three crew officials then used their service weapon – pulling three times for the first, only once for the second. Despite the first aids provided on the spot, the victim, affected in the vital zone of the thorax four times, did not survive his injuries. According to the first elements collected, it does not seem, however, that the police were verbally threatened. “We really heard the three games, there was no cry, just the three shots,” a young woman told the Clpress agency, witnessing the facts when she was attacked to The terrace of a neighboring coffee.
A judicial investigation for “attempted murder on a person depositary of the public authority” was opened by the Paris prosecutor’s office and entrusted to the second district of judicial police in Paris, competent for this area of the capital, in order to clarify the precise circumstances in which the police were the subject of threats; Another investigation, of an administrative nature, was opened for “voluntary violence which led to death without intention to give it” by the general inspection of the national police in order to specify the conditions of opening of the police of the police and to determine if They were in accordance with the concept of self-defense.
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