Despite the line fixed by Marine Le Pen, consisting in not manifesting, elected officials from the far -right party question the attitude to adopt.
by Clément Guillou
In this month of January, seen from the National Rally (RN), there is the right and the bad demonstration. The good one was on January 23, with a collective of bakers claiming from the government to fight against the explosion of their energy bills. The bad was January 19, behind the inter -union opposed to the pension reform. About fifteen RN deputies presented themselves, place de la nation in Paris, for the demonstration of bakers, denying by example the first argument of the party so as not to parade alongside the unions: “The street is not in our DNA. “
Four days earlier, they were fifteen times less, throughout France: Jérôme Buisson, elected in the Ain, is the only deputy having communicated his presence in a procession against the pension reform. He had slipped into Bourg-en-Bresse in the ranks of the CFDT, without a tricolor scarf during the first half, with in the second-this is how he proceeds to each demonstration. He misses little since he rubbed shoulders with “yellow vests” on the roundabouts in 2019. Since then, his party has transformed him into a lightning rod: the RN has nothing against the demonstrations, look at Jérôme Buisson.
“Lead the fight in the assembly”
In September 2022, a party executive envisaged the presence of deputies in future demonstrations against the pension reform. Not in Paris, but in small towns where the party knew how to find, in the union ranks, a look less hostile than that of the leaders of the large power stations. But at the start of the year, a line was imposed, always the same: that of Marine Le Pen, hostile to demonstrations of all order and anxious to make her unexpected status of first opposition group profitable. “All the voters of the RN can perfectly go and express their misunderstanding or even their anger against this reform, she explained. But we, as political and elected officials, our responsibility is to lead the fight to the assembly national and that of the debate. “
The success of the demonstrations of January 19, particularly in small towns rarely as mobilized, did the RN wrestle? We first believed it. The personal initiative of deputy Buisson was publicly praised by Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the National Assembly, who the next day did not exclude participating in the day of action on January 31. On Monday, January 23, at the demonstration of bakers, the North MP did not “forbid anything”, but was more lukewarm: “We will do exactly what we want and what will seem most relevant. Today Hui, what seems relevant to us is to prevent that there is a majority in the National Assembly to vote the pension reform. This is what is most effective, so far . “The RN is distinguishing between the situation of the energy market, which is not debated in the Assembly, and that of pensions, where it intends to take advantage of the two weeks of discussions to assert its arguments.
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