The Prime Minister verbalized by the police, several members of his government implicated in business and his predecessor, Boris Johnson, caught up in a questionable loan … The Tories are far from the image of integrity that Rishi Sunak wanted Porter.
by Cécile Ducourieux (London, correspondent)
He floats a persistent scent of scandal on the British conservative party. Friday, January 20, the Lancashire police (north-west of England) boasted in a somewhat incongruous manner (on Twitter) to have delivered a fine for the non-port of the belt in Rishi Sunak. The day before, Downing Street had posted a video of Prime Minister Tory on the north of the country, praising his policy in the rear seat of his service car, without a apparent belt. Mr. Sunak recognized a “error of judgment”.
The criticism would have long given up if it was not the second fine in less than a year received by the manager, who had promised his arrival at Downing Street, in October 2022, which he was going to direct with ” Professionalism, integrity and responsibility “. The Grand London police had sanctioned him in the spring of 2022 for having briefly participated in a party at Downing Street during confinement. It was the birthday of the Prime Minister of the time, Boris Johnson, who had also been sanctioned by Scotland Yard.
There is much more disturbing: Nadhim Zahawi, minister without portfolio of the Sunak government and president of the Conservative Party, ended up recognizing, Sunday, January 22, having been in delicacy with the taxman last year. According to the BBC, he had to pay up to 5 million pounds sterling (5.7 million euros) in penalties for not having properly declared his income, after the sale of his shares in the Survening Society YouGOV, of which he is co -founder. Now it seems that this enormous penalty was negotiated in the summer of 2022, when Mr. Zahawi was chancellor of the Echiquier, that is to say Minister of Finance …
This conflict of interest was not denied by the Minister, who assured that his tax dispute was not “deliberate” but linked to “negligence”. He refused to resign. How long will it last? Monday, January 23, Rishi Sunak claimed an internal investigation. The position of Mr. Zahawi “is untenable, judge Angela Rayner, vice-president of the Labor Party. The more Mr. Sunak will delay to sanction Mr. Zahawi, the more the Prime Minister will appear weak.”
“All that Make a little banana republic “
m. Zahawi is the fourth member of the Sunak cabinet to find himself in the turmoil. Before him, Gavin Williamson had to return his apron fifteen days after being appointed minister without a portfolio, following harassment allegations. The Minister of Justice Dominic Raab is also the subject of internal investigations for harassment but he clings to his post. Like Suella Braverman, the Minister of the Interior, accused of having manipulated confidential information without precaution.
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