The Organizing Transport Authority in Ile-de-France, estimated, on Monday, the additional operating cost linked to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, part of which will be funded by the Games Organization Committee.
by Sophie Fay
During the Assizes of Ile-de-France transport funding organized on Monday, January 23, by Valérie Pécresse, president of the Regional Council, Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), the Organizing Transport Authority, quantified the cost Additional that will occasion for her, in terms of operation, the organization of transport during the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP). For Laurent Probst, Director General of IDFM, “200 million euros will be necessary in operation for the JOP”.
Part of the funding of this sum will be provided by the Games Organization Committee (COJOP). But by everything. Which worries the president of the region. Ms. Pécresse therefore turns to the State to clarify this point.
Already, tensions on prices and workforce complicates the responses of mobility actors to tenders. IDFM is struggling, for example, to find carriers for accredited people, a call for tenders divided into three lots of 36.7 million euros (funded by the COJOP).
Buses and cars – electric and biogas – must be taken from the Ile -de -France fleet to run during the summer of 2024 between Olympic village, accommodation, press rooms, training places and stadiums. Problem: no operator responded to the first call for tenders, launched on July 28, according to IDFM, who finally declared it unsuccessful.
the RATP not candidate for the transport of accredited
According to our information, the RATP also did not respond to the second version, relaunched on December 21, for a slightly lower amount. The offers had to be submitted before January 20.
Beyond the JOP, operating expenses of transport in Ile-de-France will be increasing structural by 800 million euros. Several trends are accumulated, in addition to the JOP invoice, to achieve this figure.
First the exploitation of new lines or the extension of lines, such as line 11 to Rosny-Bois-Perrier, then the arrival of line 14 in the north to Saint-Denis-Pleyel And to the south, to Orly airport.
will be added to it the opening of the EOLE section (extension of the RER E to Mantes-la-Jolie) between Porte Maillot and Nanterre, or the commissioning of the T12 tram-train, or sixteen stations served between Massy and Evry-Courcouronnes.
The extension of line 14 and Eole’s section are expected for games.
In addition, inflation and a significant increase in financial costs will also weigh on expenses.