To include linux to include Changes that expand the capabilities of the standard SIBLIOTEK nolibc , which is part of the source texts of the Linux nucleus ( Tools/Include/Nolibc ). In case of adoption of changes, the library will be expanded by signal processing tools, including the functions of Sigaction () and Signal ().
NOLIBC project is part of the nucleus starting with the release of 5.1 and aimed to provide the basic system challenges formalized The form of a minimum standard SI-Bibliotek, which can be used to organize the operation of small and low-level applications without installing full-fledged external standard SIBLIOTECS (the application can be statically arranged with NOLIBC without involving external dependencies). The library is very compact, for example, the Init process statically assembled with NOLIBC occupies 36 KB, and with GLIBC –
755 Kb.
The main emphasis is on the provision of functions sufficient for the work of programs supplied in Initramfs, such as Dash, Init and Sleep, as well as to create test sets that evaluate the operability of the nucleus subsystem. Among the available functions: Open, Close, Read, Write, Time, Chown, Chmod, Mkdir, Chrot, Dup, Wait, Execve, Fork, IOctl, Stat, Mount, Sleep, MMAP, Poll, Malloc, Free, etc. The assembly for architectures ARM, AARCH64, I386, X86_64, RISC-V and MIPS is supported. Of the not yet realized opportunities, the lack of functions for network operations and multi -seating, as well as an incomplete set of functions String.h and Stdlib.h.