Salto’s fate is just thread

The scenario of the cessation of activity of the common platform in France Télévisions, TF1 and M6 was discussed, Friday, January 20, to an extraordinary central CSE in France Télévisions.

by Aude Dassonville

We presented it as the “French Netflix”. But inexorably, Salto, the common platform in France Télévisions, TF1 and M6 born in October 2020, is still closer to its extinction.

The “dissolution” and the “cessation of activity” were on the agenda of an extraordinary central CSE in France Télévisions, Friday, January 20. Even if it was not the place to act the disappearance of the service (a CSE must be held in Salto in the coming days), the tone of the discussions was not optimistic, recognizes Antoine Chuzeville, the representative of the SNJ present in Reunion. The question of the return of employees of shareholder companies who have left to work for the platform (which has 42 permanent contracts) was indeed addressed, as well as the possibility for staff directly hired by the platform to apply primarily to positions within partner groups. The lease of the premises that Salto occupied in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine), arrived at a time ago, was not renewed.

Since in March 2021, the president of France Télévisions Delphine Ernotte announced that her group would cede her shares (for 45 million euros) in the event of a merger between TF1 and M6, the paid service of videos on demand knew how to rebalance his original shareholding. But the failure of the rapprochement between the two private groups, which led to the appointment of Rodolphe Belmer at the head of TF1, ended up driving the partnership in the dead end.

different potential buyers

Because not only the Union of the One and the Six in Salto out of the merger no longer had a strategic meaning, but the new CEO of TF1 was quick to let him know, The digital distribution of the content of the group’s channels had, like their linear broadcast, remaining free … “As in a domino game, everyone ended up being out,” summarizes a close to the file. The pact that links the three shareholders allowed everyone to resume their freedom at their convenience. None could have become a single shareholder: his ex-partner would not have accepted that the rest is taking advantage of their content.

As soon as the desire to disengage the partners was no longer a mystery, various potential buyers have manifested themselves. Canal+, who was eyeing 800,000 Salto subscribers, could he have been his Savior? “Giving in a service that works to a competitor was not obvious” for the partners, reports our interlocutor.

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/Media reports cited above.