GPUPDATE 0.9.12 Group policy

published New release gpupdate , tool for use Group policies In the distributors “Alt”. GPUPDATE mechanisms use group policies on clients both at the system level and for individual users. The GPUPDATE tool is part of the alternative solution to Basalt SPO for the implementation of the domain infrastructure Active Directory for Linux. The application supports work in the domain infrastructure MS AD or samba dc . The GPUPDATE code is written in Python and spreads under the GPLV3+license. You can install GPUPDATE from a stable branch p10 Alt repositories. In Linux, which includes politicians stored in the Sysvol catalog on domain controllers. GPOA, the GPUPDATE mention, addresses the SYSVOL of the domain controller and loads all GPT group policies for the system and users (Machine and User catalogs) and all the information from the catalogs. The GPUPDATE tool disassembles the .pol extension for itself and makes up the database. From this registry, GPOA takes its data, sorts, processes and begins to run the “Appliers” modules.

Each of these modules is responsible for its part of the application of the settings. For example, there are modules associated with the settings of the core of the system, with the settings of the desktop, periphery, browser, prints settings. And each of the modules takes the part of the base that applies to it. For example, Applier Firefox will look for a line with Firefox in the database and process only this part of the database – namely, to form a JSON file from this information in the catalog/etc/firefox/policies (as formed in Linux). Further, when starting a Web browser, he turns to this catalog and launches all the settings.

changes in version

  • Supported application for a computer of all Firefox and Chromium Web browsers policies.
  • Added mechanisms for the application of script politicians – Logon/Logoff/Startup/Shutdown.
  • Mechanisms for applying system settings: Preferences: Files (Files), Catalogs (Folders), Configuration files (Ini-Files).
  • Added a new action to update the status of services in the GPUPDATE -SETUP – The UPDate key launches all the necessary services when updating the involved GPUPDATE.
  • The use of user politicians in terms of correct work and safety has been improved. For Systemd, the GPUPDATE.Timer system timer and the GPUPDATE-USER.Timer user timer for monitoring and monitoring the time of the GPUPDATE.Service service. GPUPDATE launch frequency can be configured through a timer.
  • Optimized the processing regime for the closure policy – “Setting the mode of processing of the closure of user group policy.” This policy allows you to replace the parameters of one object of group policy over the parameters of another object for users of this second object.
/Media reports cited above.