Due to a crawl decided by the region, certain Ile -de -France public high schools have seen their overall operating allocation drastically decrease.
by minh dréan
No video projectors or a rolling screen in the work room for the technological high school of Bessières (17
The overall operation of operation of high schools (DGFL), which is used to finance the equipment but also the educational activities of public establishments, is calculated according to the number of students, the training offer and the surface of the establishment. It was, until 2022, attributed in the form of a “package”. However, for the 2023 budget, “the region estimated that high schools which have working capital – which serve in the event of unexpected – whose amounts were greater than three months of operating expenses would be clipped”, explains Jean -François Gay, FSU head in Ile-de-France.
An operation that already exists in other local authorities, indicates James Chéron (UDI), vice-president of the Ile-de-France region, in charge of high schools, and which would have enabled the community to achieve around 17 million euros in savings. A decision taken “only this year”, to face the increase in energy costs (electricity and gas) paid directly by the region.
For James Chéron, nothing has changed, on the contrary: the endowments would have even increased to take into account inflation and the energy crisis. “This does not mean that we give less, that means that the means that we attribute are allocated taking into account the real state of the cash,” said the elected official. An “increase” of the means that Yannick Trigance, regional advisor and in charge of education issues in the Socialist Party, nuance: “If operating expenses are progressing, it is only because energy costs have exploded, not because that the region gives more. “
” Total absence of dialogue “
A large number of heads of school, they denounce a completely “opaque” decision as well as an inventory of the working capital which comes too early in the year – during the summer -, while all Investments have not yet been planned. “The main problem is the total absence of dialogue, deplores Bruno Bobkiewicz, principal of the Hector-Berlioz school city in Vincennes (Val-de-Marne) and secretary general of SNPDEN-UNSA. Especially since the region considered that money in reserve funds belonged to him, while certain establishments have their own revenues, for example, via the rental of premises. “A lack of dialogue that Mr. Chéron refutes. He explains that he has started adjustments in certain establishments, on a case-by-case basis.
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