After almost two years of development published the release of the operating system Redox 0.9 designed using the language of RUST and the concept of micro-rewind. The projects of the project are distributed under the free license MIT. For testing Redox OS, bootable LIVE-cropping for real equipment and system images for virtual machines are proposed (512 MB and 1.5 GB) prepared for architectures x86_64 and i686.
The demonstration image includes the DOSBOX emulator, a selection of games (Doom, Neverball, Neverputt, Sopwith, Syobonaction), training programs, a Rodioplay musical player with support for FLAC and WAV formats, Netsurf Web-Browser, Image Viewer, Console Console Sodium editor, file Manager, terminal emulator and text editor from the Cosmic project. User environment built based on its own graphic shell orbital and Tulkita orbtk, providing API, similar to Flutter, React and Redux. There is support for the GUI bibliothek slint, iced and winit.