NXS-DATA-ANONYMIZER 1.11.0 Tool Released for Databases

A new version of the nxs-data-anonymizer tool, version 1.11.0, has been released by Nixys. This tool, designed for dump databases like PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Percona, is written in Go and is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. The tool can be used via unexplored channels (PIPE) in the command line, allowing users to redirect dump data from the original database directly to the target database with necessary transformations.

Depending on the entity type in security settings, the tool anonymizes columns for tables specified in the Filters section. If a table does not have any rules, the data will still be protected as the anonymizer will exclude them from the resulting dump. Users can connect the anonymization of database entities in various tables based on different rules and work with related data using global variables.

The latest version of the tool introduces some new features:

  • New variables “Raw Column Data Type” and “Regex’s Captoring Groups” have been included in the filters, allowing the use of regular expressions for different types of data in columns.
  • Value generation for typified data has been implemented. When the column security policy is configured to randomize cell values, these values are automatically generated based on their data types. Previously, all types were processed similarly, but with this update, a classification has been introduced (for example, for MySQL columns with Date and DateTime types).
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.