Angie 1.7.0 Nginx Fork Released

Webserver LLC has recently published the release of a high-performance HTTP server and multi-purpose proxy server called Angie 1.7.0. This new server is a branch from Nginx created by a group of former developers from the project who resigned from F5 Network. The initial texts of Angie are available under the BSD license. The project has received compatibility certificates with Russian operating systems Red OS, Astra Linux Special Edition, DEW, ALT, and FSTEK version of ALT.

The development of this web server began in the fall of 2022 and received an investment of $1 million. The team behind the development includes Valentin Bartenev (leader of the Nginx Unit team), Ivan Poluyanov (former head of front-end developers at Rambler and, Oleg Mamontov (head of NGINX Inc technical support team), and [email protected].

Changes in Angie 1.7.0:

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.