After two months of development, Linus Torvalds presented the release of the nucleus Linux 6.11 . Among the most noticeable changes: support for atomic recording operations at the level of block devices, support for BIND () and Listen () operations in Io_URING, a new mechanism for blocking software interruption handlers, the ability to record executed files, support for writing block devices in RUST, Optimization of the call Getrandom (), and the new implementation of AES-GCM.
The new version adopted 15130 corrections from 2078 developers. The size of the patch is 85 MB, with changes affecting 13282 files. Additionally, 985857 lines of code were added, while 268915 lines were removed. In the previous release, there were 14564 corrections from 1989 developers, with a patch size of 41 MB, half the size of the patch for nucleus 6.11. Roughly 46% of all changes in 6.11 are linked to device drivers, around 17% are related to updating architecture-specific code, 10% are associated with network components, 5% with file systems, and 3% with internal nucleus subsystems.
Main innovations in nucleus 6.11:
- In the disk subsystem, input/output, and file systems:
- In the block device subsystem, support for atomic recording operations has been implemented. This feature ensures that either the specified set of blocks is entirely written to the drive, or none of the blocks are written, preventing partial writes in case of equipment failure. To enable atomic recording mode in the PWRITEV () system call, the rwf_atomic flag is added. Information about atomic recording support can be obtained using the Statx () function.